North Shore directory


When things are confusing, they can also end up being overwhelming. It is good to ask for help and have someone help better explain things to you and advocate for you. Below are a list of nonprofits and other groups that can help you navigate the system.

There is also additional information available under the section “Topics“. There you will find more links to groups and agencies that can help you with the some of the common but confusing concerns that people often have to face. Topics covered so far are Housing, Employment and Seniors issues.

Squamish Nation
The Squamish Nation is a group of Coast Salish people who, since time immemorial, have lived in villages in Greater Vancouver, Howe Sound and the Squamish River watershed.320 Seymour Blvd, North Vancouver, V7J 2J3  |  P. 604-980-4553


Local Non-Profit Service Providers

Family Services Society North Shore
203 – 1111 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7M 2H4
Phone: 604-988-5281

The Harvest Project
Reaching out to people across Metro-Vancouver’s North Shore challenged by family break-down. They provide coaching and counsel, North Shore Rent Bank, grocery and clothing support.
1073 Roosevelt Crescent, North Vancouver, BC  V7P 1M4,
P. 604-983-9488

Hollyburn Family Services North Shore
104 – 267 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, BC  V7M 1A5

North Shore Community Resources Society
201-935 Marine Drive, North Vancouver BC V7P 1S3
Phone: 604-985-7138

North Shore Crisis Services Society
200-147 West 16th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1T3
Phone: 604-987-0366

North Shore Disability Resource Centre
3158 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver, B.C. V7K 2H5
Phone: 604-985-5371

North Shore Emergency Shelter: Lookout Society
705 West 2nd Street, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 1E6
P. 604-982-9126

North Shore Multicultural Society
207-123 East 15th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 2P7
P. 604-988-2931

North Shore Neighbourhood House
225 East 2nd Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 1C4
Phone: 604-987-8138

North Shore Women’s Centre
131 East 2nd Street, North Vancouver BC V7L 1C2
Phone: 604.984.6009

North Shore Community Food Asset Map

Parkgate Society
3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Z8

Find a Physician in BC

Housing and Tenant Rights – see topics

Employment Resources – see topics

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