Come join us for our Holiday Open House held on Tuesday, December 5th, from 2 PM till 6 PM at our office. I look forward to seeing everyone!

Welcome to North Vancouver-Seymour!
I am honoured to be representing the constituents of North Vancouver-Seymour as their MLA.
Our office is a community space, a welcoming space, for everyone in North Vancouver-Seymour. Feel free to drop-in for a quick visit and ask some questions, voice some concerns. Longer meetings should be booked. We still have to limit the amount of people in the office.
Please contact us for information and support by either calling our office at 604-983-9859, or by emailing me at
Take care and stay safe,
Latest News
December 6, 2022 Chats with Chant
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, library talks. I will be at the Lynn Valley branch from 2 PM till 3 PM, and at the Parkgate branch from 7 PM till 8 PM. Please come join me!
Youth Parliament application deadline October 25th, 2022
Applications are now available for the 94th Session. Every year, 97 youth aged 16 to 21 from across the province travel to the Parliament Buildings in Victoria for a five-day simulation of the Westminster Parliamentary System, legislating bills that govern …